Welcome to BE

Hi, I am Porsha! I am a writer, soon to be published author and creator of Beyond Existing, a passion project led by the Holy Spirit.

Beyond Existing is a space created to share my journey of navigating daily life with Jesus. My mission is to connect with you all in the most authentic and relatable as I navigate this journey of living life with Jesus as a wife, mom, creative, and everything in between.

Living Beyond Existing means choosing to follow Jesus daily, being aware of His presence and seeking His will over your own. It means choosing to walk in His perfect peace and contentment in each day. It means being present in every season of life, and allowing growth and pruning to take place so that you are equipped to fulfill your God-given purpose. Above all, it's about being fully connected to and led by the Holy Spirit.

I pray that this space becomes a community, a safe space where you come to be filled with inspiration and hope and leave feeling encouraged and empowered to thrive in your journey with Jesus. I invite you to join me in seeking a life with Jesus because Life without Jesus is merely existing, but life with Jesus is living Beyond Existing.

More About Me

I feel so blessed to have this space to share my faith and lifestyle with you all. I love writing, sharing my experiences, and simply creating, I am excited to pour out that side of me on this platform.

I cherish spending time with my family and creating new memories. I am dedicated to simplifying our lifestyle by enjoying slow moments, consuming more whole foods, preparing home-cooked meals, embracing nature, and anything that supports this lifestyle.

One of my biggest dreams is to purchase a large plot of land, where we can build our home, an art and learning center, and a greenhouse for year-round gardening (unless the Lord decides to move us to a warmer climate). This land will also have an outdoor garden where we can grow our own food, along with an outdoor living space that the kids can explore endlessly.

Creativity in any form brings me so much joy, whether it be a home project, self-care motivated, style and design, or experimenting with new recipes. There is so much fulfillment and connection to my creator when exploring my own creativity. My hope is that this space allows you to tap into your own creative gift from God.

I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to my high school sweetheart, and a mom of two beautiful boys.

Now that you know more about me, I’d like to share more about how I was led to create BE. Let’s start from the beginning of my walk with Christ. My journey began at the age of 22, I was water-baptized, gave my life to Christ, and was on fire for the Lord. My journey has been far from perfect, there have been highs and lows. Ultimatley every season has in some way brought me closer to God and encouraged me to lean fully on Him. One of the greatest trials that changed my relationship with Jesus was my battle with anxiety. It was the event that broke me down to a place where I truly had to walk hand in hand with Jesus daily to operate, honestly to even get out of bed. I was paralyzed by fear and felt hopeless. Although there seemed to be no end in sight at the time, I now know that what God was doing in me would be the most transformational spiritual experience. I clung to the Lord, surrendered and He became my everything. I’d never felt His presence more in my life than I did at that time. I learned what true surrender was and experienced His goodness as Father. He truly does hold His children in the palm of His hand and never let’s go. I felt peace amid chaos, it was a messy season of life but He made it beautiful. I learned then that Jesus was not a sermon. or devotional. He wasn’t a feeling or a worship song. He is a real person that wants a relationship. He wants to be in our life who He has always been and always will be. Our Father, Savior, Friend, Comforter, Peace, Hope, and Source for all good things. My life had been forever changed when I truly got to experience God in that season and I lived out Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good."

Years later I am still have the deepest desire to know and experience God more and more. I've come across many resources, such as books, podcasts, sermons, and devotionals, that have helped me draw closer to the Lord. These resources have been life-changing for me. However, I always felt that something was missing. I wanted to see women sharing their everyday walk with Jesus, managing their homes and families with Christ at the center, and sharing their creative gifts freely and authentically. I longed for relatable content like this, searching high and low. Sadly I found that the world is oversaturated with the opposite. Though BE, I believe God is allowing me the opportunity to help fill that gap. To provide a space for women like myself to be uplifted and encouraged. To show women what an authentic walk with Christ looks like. So I want to thank you for joining me on this journey, I am so grateful to be able to connect, empower, and provide a community centered around Jesus. I pray that this space blesses you and empowers you to live an abundant life with the Lord.

More About BE