Tried and True: Capsule Makeup Products

Wellness for me means being intentional, not only about what I am putting in my body but also what I am putting on it. I am by no means anti-this or that, but I do try to choose products with fewer irritants, harsh chemicals, and ingredients that I can’t pronounce in them as much as I can. There are a few OG beauty products that I don’t think I will ever part with (unless a “cleaner” version is available), like my at-home nail care items. But when I can find alternative options regarding beauty items, that perform well I am all for it!

Over the years my beauty routine has been simplified more and more. I used to be a Mac girl and was required to wear a semi-full face to work daily, which was so much fun. I got to play with all of the colors and challenge myself artistically. When I became a mom I transitioned from working for Mac to being a SAHM and no longer wore makeup every day. This transition paved the way for me to rediscover what makeup meant to me and how I wanted to use it to enhance my features. I believe I’ve always been a minimal gal at heart when it comes to beauty products. I love testing out products and finding what works for me, but in terms of a daily routine, I like to keep it simple and effective.

My ideal go-to makeup is a nice full brow, concealer where needed and under the eye, a cream blush, and a voluminous lash.

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Wellness with God


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